Rev Jo Ognjanovic
Curate - Crick, Lilbourne & Yelvertoft
I met the Lord Jesus in my mid 30s. As a new Christian I was bowled over by Jesus’ extraordinary love for me. Before this time my life had been blighted by a sense of worthlessness following some really distressing events. But Jesus understood all this and together he led me to healing, restoration and transformation to be who I am today - his precious child - Wow! I am still a work in progress of course!
My heart’s desire is to follow God wherever he leads. I sensed him calling me to Crick, Yelvertoft and Lilbourne towards the end of 2020 and I began my curacy here in June 2023. I’m loving serving him and the people here.
I am married to Rade (wonderful man) and we have two adult children. I enjoy gardening, reading and anything creative. Most of all I enjoy living my life in the presence of Jesus.
07800 505891