Music in our worship
At our Morning Praise service we have a worship group of singers and muscians who play piano, accordian, guitar, flute and drums.
At the monthly Holy Communion and Songs of Praise services our music is led by our choir and famous Thomas Elliot organ.
The Thomas Elliot organ is a rare example of an instrument following the old English tradition. The organ was originally built in 1819 by Thomas Elliot of Tottenham Court Road for the Chapel Royal at St James' Palace, London before eventually finding its current home in our church. A number of modifications have been to the instrument over the years and in 1978 a minor restoration was undertaken.
In 1999, the Church undertook a report about the condition of the organ and was advised at that time, that with routine maintenance the organ should be able to function into the foreseeable future.
However by 2003, it was necessary to have more thorough renovation and again, after many quotations and fund raising the work was completed in 2017
For more historical information about the organ click here